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ID: 33637
 / 7

480,00 €/month

For rent

Business Object for sale, Považská Bystrica

Location: Považská Bystrica



8.14  €/m²/mes

238 days
112 x
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Reality Alpia: Ponúkame Vám na prenájom kancelárske priestory,vhodné na masážny salón,kozmetický salón,administratívu,advokátsku kanceláriu,zubného,laboranta a pod.K dispozícií je komplet sociálne zázemie,kuchynka a ďaľší skladový priestor.Priestor sa nachádza vo frekventovanej časti sídliska Hliny,v susedstve sa nachádza účtovnícka kancelária,kaderníctvo,potraviny a autobusová zástavka.
Podronejšie info Vám poskytneme na tel.č.0948 885 800 a na www.realityalpia.sk.



state property:completely renovated
Electrical connection:yes
Water connection:yes
Sewer connection:yes
heating mode:central gas
Age of structure:less than 50 years
Construction materials:bar
Building Energy Rating Certificate:B

Date of last update: 19.07.2024

I am interested in more information
According to the Act on the protection of personal data I agree with the processing of personal data (name, title, phone, e-mail) in the information system of the real estate Alpia, in order to prepare an offer for an indefinite period.

I have a better offer
According to the Act on the protection of personal data I agree with the processing of personal data (name, title, phone, e-mail) in the information system of the real estate Alpia, in order to prepare an offer for an indefinite period.

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